Choose a classic and wear the same designs as our crew. This collection is made for people who like to roll up their sleeves, join in and support our mission. Many of the iconic designs have been with Sea Shepherd for decades and are now a familiar sight on our ships. For the crew or our supporters, these clothes connect like-minded people around the world.
Coming and going. This collection consists of changing items that are developed and designed in cooperation with various partners. You will find small editions here, ranging from clothing to up-cycled products that we are giving a second chance. The selection varies constantly. Maybe you'll find your new favourite piece here?

Entdecke natürliche Looks und ökologische Basics für deinen Kleiderschrank. Mit unserer neuen Undyed-Kollektion gehen wir einen weiteren Schritt hin zu noch mehr Nachhaltigkeit für unsere Kleidung. Alle Produkte sind aus ungefärbter und naturbelassener Bio-Baumwolle gefertigt. Ohne den Färbeprozess können bei der Herstellung viele Liter Wasser und eine Menge Energie eingespart werden. Ungefärbte Fashion-Statements für einen lässigen Lifestyle.

Regardless of which item you choose, you'll be helping us do our job: protecting the ocean!